description of imam ali’s caliphate in dic ol jen al hemsies poetry


محمدحسن فؤادیان

دانشیار دانشگاه تهران مرتضی قدیمی

استادیار دانشگاه پیام نور


dic ol jen al hemsi is one of the few shiite poets that made use of his poem to express his belief and feeling, instead of praising wealthy and powerful people. one of his important parts of his beliefs centralized on the subject that imam ali is the real sovereign after the prophet mohammad peace be upon him and declared his idea through his poem. dic ol jen presents two kinds of scriptural and intellectual reasons to proof imam ali’s right in the mentioned affair. in his poems dic ol jen notes qadire khom event, hadith e manzelat and hadith e qertas, as intellectual reasons. on the other side he recites imam ali’s eloquence, bravery, resoluteness, benevolence, as scriptural reasons. these reasons make everyone to believe in imam ali’s sovereignty after prophet mohammad pbuh, and to reproach his right usurpers.

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